Allendale Negligent Security Attorney

As the victim of a crime, your priority may be seeing that the person at fault pays for what they did in a criminal court. Yet, that does not do enough to help you navigate what is next in your life, such as how you will be able to pay your medical bills. At Marc Brown Law Firm, we understand the complexity of these situations. When negligent security or other crimes in Allendale lead to your losses, we are here to help you, so call a personal injury lawyer in Allendale today.

Pursuing Compensation After Negligent Security

Negligent security refers to situations where another person or company exposed you to risk that led to your losses. It may be in a situation where they should have known there was a risk but did not do enough to protect you or warn you. The following are some examples of negligent security and crime victims who may be owed compensation if someone was negligent in the matter:

  • Shootings
  • Assault and battery
  • Sexual assault and rape
  • Car accidents

If you trusted someone else with your safety, and you have the right to believe you were safe, and they failed to provide that to you, it is time to speak to our Allendale negligent security and crime victim attorney. Let us determine if you have a case and what legal options may be available to you.

Types of Compensation in Crime Victim Cases Like This

When you are the victim of a crime, those who exposed you to that risk may be responsible for any injuries and losses you incur as a result of that negligence. This can include a wide range of medical losses, such as injuries from broken bones to the need for life-flights after a shooting. Your losses may involve anything related to the following:

  • Medical costs at the time of the incident and moving forward
  • Lost time at work
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma-related losses
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of quality of life

As your Allendale crime victim attorney, we recognize just how complex being the victim is. It may impact every facet of your life. With our dedication to our clients, we pursue full and fair compensation in every situation. We take your losses seriously and fight aggressively to protect you. We examine how this incident occurred, what evidence may be available, and the legal steps we need to take to protect your future.

Pursue Legal Action with the Help of Our Allendale Crime Victim and Negligent Security Attorneys

If you are unsure if you have a case that falls into this area of personal injury, reach out to us now. Let us offer a free consultation to determine what legal options you may have. We can tell you if you have a case, what legal strategy may apply, and what compensation you are owed.

Set up a consultation with our Allendale crime victims and negligent security attorneys at no cost to you. At Marc Brown Law Firm, we take pursuing compensation for our clients seriously. Call us now for a free consultation.