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What to Expect in a Child Injury Case

Children spend about a third of their lives under the protection of a teacher, priest, coach, or other non-parent adult. Sometimes, these adults negligently allow injury, Other times, they intentionally cause injury. Negligence is basically a lack of care. People are responsible for their mistakes, if these mistakes cause injury. An intentional tort is…

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Compensation for South Carolina Violent Crime Victims

A recent report concluded that Columbia was one of the most dangerous cities in South Carolina. The most at-risk areas were Belmont, St. Andrews Terrace Road, Fairwold, the city center, Lorrick Avenue, Colonial Drive and Old Manor Road/Melo Drive. Violent crimes are difficult to successfully prosecute. Investigators often have very little evidence to work…

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What Causes Car Crash Brain Injuries?

Each year, traumatic brain injuries account for hundreds of thousands of hospital stays. Countless other TBI victims don’t get the treatment they need when they need it. Initial TBI symptoms include soreness and disorientation. Accident shock has these same symptoms. Shock usually goes away on its own, whereas brain injuries are usually permanent. So,…

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Obtaining Compensation After a Catastrophic Injury

The average economic cost of a catastrophic (life-threatening) injury is over $150,000. Medical bills and lost wages make up the bulk of this amount. This figure doesn’t include noneconomic losses, such as emotional distress, loss of enjoyment in life, and pain and suffering. This figure also doesn’t include lost future earning potential. As outlined…

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