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What Types of Damages Are Available in Personal Injury Cases?

Without ever planning for it or seeing it coming, you or a loved one may be involved in a serious accident that causes severe injuries. When a traumatic accident occurs, the situation can feel totally helpless, and you may have low expectations about the future. While there is no doubt that a serious personal…

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Signs of Elder Abuse and What to Do

For those with elderly grandparents, parents, or other loved ones, knowing that they are receiving a high level of care can be a huge source of comfort. Whether this care is received in a nursing home, through a professional in-home care provider, or in another type of facility, there is a reasonable expectation that…

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Who Is at Fault in a Left Turn Collision?

When a car accident occurs, determining fault for the accident is critical. Who caused the accident will be a significant factor in determining who pays for the accident, and it could even prevent an injured party from recovering compensation. In this post, we’ll examine some common causes of left turn accidents and how to…

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Car Accident Settlement Process & Timeline

One of the worst things about a car accident is the level of inconvenience it can add to one’s life. Indeed, in addition to dealing with serious injuries—which many people suffer in a car accident—you’ll also need to figure out and schedule car accident repairs, pay for medical bills, get the other driver’s information,…

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Uber and Lyft Accident Lawsuits – Know Your Rights

When you request a rideshare vehicle from your cellphone, the last thing that you’re likely thinking about is who will be liable if you are injured in a car accident. Unfortunately, however, accidents do happen—and it’s important to be aware of your rights and the options for compensation available to you in the event…

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Is South Carolina a No-Fault Insurance State?

Each state in the nation is autonomous in its ability to develop rules and regulations pertaining to how financial recovery works after a car accident. States typically follow either a no-fault system or a fault-based system, although a few states have a mixed system in place. Understanding fault vs. no-fault rules is important following…

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Know Your Rights When Hit By an Uninsured Driver

If you’re injured in an accident, you may assume that everything with your medical bills and pain & suffering will be covered. You will likely be counting on the at-fault driver’s liability insurance to cover your injuries and costs. But what happens in the event that the at-fault driver does not have insurance? In…

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